
Showing posts from August, 2020


 Single-dimensional-signal multi-dimensional-signal continuous time & discrete time system periodic and non periodic signal causal and Non-causal signal "scripts" : {      "start" :  "react-scripts start" ,      "build" :  "react-scripts build" ,      "test" :  "react-scripts test" ,      "eject" :  "react-scripts eject"   },

linkedlist | problems

  1.  Write a program in C to create and display Singly Linked List.   Go to the editor Test Data : Input the number of nodes : 3 Input data for node 1 : 5 Input data for node 2 : 6 Input data for node 3 : 7 Expected Output  : Data entered in the list : Data = 5 Data = 6 Data = 7 Click me to see the solution 2.  Write a program in C to create a singly linked list of n nodes and display it in reverse order.  Go to the editor Test Data : Input the number of nodes : 3 Input data for node 1 : 5 Input data for node 2 : 6 Input data for node 3 : 7 Expected Output  : Data entered in the list are : Data = 5


 Recursive algo Backtracking algo Divide and conquer algo Dynamic progrsmming algo Greedy algo* (For local optimization) locallize solution global solution Divide-and-conquer approach(Divid the problem in elementry level of Problem) Dynamic programming approach (For global optimization) memorize the earlier calculated value and use it in next problem Types of loops: Linear loop Log Loop nested loop

Math | Fourier Series

  fourier series eular's series dirichlet's condition fx is periiodic, single valued, and finite fx may have a finite num of finite discontinuities and no infinite discontinuities fx has a finite num of maxima and minima. Note: fourier series should be convergent   -ar a point of discontinuity, the sum of the series is equal to the mean of the limits on right and # inttegratecosmxsinnx lim c to c+2pi =0 integratesinmx.sinnx =0 integratecosmx.cosnx=0, m!=n or pi, m=n integrate e^ax.cosbx = e^ax/a^2 +b^2(asinbx -bcosbx) +c integrateuvdx(rule) Even and Odd functions 1)f-x= fx(even function) derivation of eular's formulae

reactjs | index.html

Index.html   <!--       manifest.json provides metadata used when your web app is installed on a       user's mobile device or desktop. See     --> <!--       Notice the use of %PUBLIC_URL% in the tags above.       It will be replaced with the URL of the `public` folder during the build.       Only files inside the `public` folder can be referenced from the HTML.       Unlike "/favicon.ico" or "favicon.ico", "%PUBLIC_URL%/favicon.ico" will       work correctly both with client-side routing and a non-root public URL.       Learn how to configure a non-root public URL by running `npm run build`.     --> <!--       This HTML file is a template.       If you open it directly in the browser, you will see an empty page.       You can add webfonts, meta tags, or analytics to this file.       The build step will place the bundled scripts into the <body> tag.       To begin th

Reactjs | setup

1.) make a folder 2.) open power shell(shift+right click) 3.) run command: npx create-react-app my-app

headers in c

 to study var fun used in grpgic progm  in header file graphic.h graphic.h to make animation or games, we write circle, shapes , curves functions: -initgraph() to load graphic drivers, ghraphicMode,closegraph(),getPixel,putPixel,closegraph, ARC,param=x,y CIRCLE, PIESLICE, sector, fillellipse, FLOODFILL, getcolor,setcolor, line,linerel,lineto,rectangle,outtextxy, drampoly(), --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include<stdio.h> #include <graphics.h> #include <conio.h> int main() { //initilizing graphic driver and graphic mode variable int graphicdriver=DETECT,graphicmode; //calling initgraph function with certain parameters initgraph(&graphicdriver,&graphicmode,"c:\\turboc3\\bgi"); //Printing message for user outtextxy(130, 90 , "Program to draw a smiley face in C graphics");          //(x,y,"message") //setting color to yellow setcolor(YELL

Create hamburger Icon

 <span class="menuLines">&#9776</span> //this will create hamburger icon and for cross icon "&times;" target="_blank" to  open a href link in a new tab //functions <script> function openNav(){     //on haburger icon     document.getElementById("downNav").style.width="250px"; } function closeNav(){      //on cross icon     document.getElementById("downNav").style.width="0px"; } </script> css: transition on downNav .downNav{     transition: all 0.5s;      } garbage: script .          function   myFunction () {          var   x   =   document . getElementById ( "myLinks" );          if  ( x . style . display   ===   "block" ) {          x . style . display   =   "none" ;         }  else  {          x . style . display   =   "block" ;         }        script .        function   newMenu (){        document . getElementById ( "downNav" ). sty

ReactJs | Component Requirement

 1.) NPM 2.) Webpack , Bundles the modules. 3.) Babel , It convert modern JavaScript to JavaScript which is executable in other web browsers.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- React.createElement(type,props,children) type

React | Ex2

 let isLoggedIn=true; // isLoggedIn=false; let username = "Chandan"; class UserStatus extends React.Component {   render() {     return (       <div>         <button>Login</button>         <h2> Hey, {username}!</h2>       </div>         )   } } ReactDOM.render(   <UserStatus />,   document.getElementById('root') ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ State and event handling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class LikeCounter extends React.Component {   state = {     counter : 0   }      likeButtonHandler = () => {     this.setState({ counter: this.state.counter + 1 });   }       render() {     console.log('render function is being called with state', this.state.counter);          return (       <div>         <button onClick={this.likeButtonHandler}> ❤️ </button>         <h

chess tricks

 1.) Checks, captures, threats 2.) If queen is the only defender then try to double the attack. 3.) Try to put your piece in between  the enemy king and piece you can pin a piece or give check and then capture.       i)Horizontally     ii) Vertically 4.) If  Rook is undefended and adjacent to the king the try to move the enemy king away from the rook by giving check or by pining a piece. 5.) i) If both the queens are facing each other and  your piece is in between the queens then try to give threats by that piece or give check by that piece. ii) If enemy has a piece in between the queens and only defended by queen the you can capture that piece or  remove that piece by giving up your piece.      Note: the enemy queen should be undefended by other minor pieces or pawn. 6.) If you pawn is just one move away from the queening but that square or pawn is under threat then try to give deflection of that enemy piece by sacrificing your rook or your any piece  and you can also give illegal che

Git | Tutorial

cd and paste the folder path git config --global "Chandan" git config --global "" touch .gitignore //will create gitignore file git init //initialize the git repository(empty) git add . git commit -m "initial commit" git status //show the status of project go to git hub website  click on "SSH" and copy the link then git remote add origin "paste the link" + enter key git push origin master