to study var fun used in grpgic progm in header file graphic.h graphic.h to make animation or games, we write circle, shapes , curves functions: -initgraph() to load graphic drivers, ghraphicMode,closegraph(),getPixel,putPixel,closegraph, ARC,param=x,y CIRCLE, PIESLICE, sector, fillellipse, FLOODFILL, getcolor,setcolor, line,linerel,lineto,rectangle,outtextxy, drampoly(), --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include<stdio.h> #include <graphics.h> #include <conio.h> int main() { //initilizing graphic driver and graphic mode variable int graphicdriver=DETECT,graphicmode; //calling initgraph function with certain parameters initgraph(&graphicdriver,&graphicmode,"c:\\turboc3\\bgi"); //Printing message for user outtextxy(130, 90 , "Program to draw a smiley face in C graphics"); //(x,y,"message") //setting color to yellow setcolor(...