chess tricks

 1.) Checks, captures, threats

2.) If queen is the only defender then try to double the attack.

3.) Try to put your piece in between  the enemy king and piece

you can pin a piece or give check and then capture.


    ii) Vertically

4.) If  Rook is undefended and adjacent to the king the try to move the enemy king away from the rook by giving check or by pining a piece.


i) If both the queens are facing each other and  your piece is in between the queens then try to give threats by that piece or give check by that piece.

ii) If enemy has a piece in between the queens and only defended by queen the you can capture that piece or  remove that piece by giving up your piece.

    Note: the enemy queen should be undefended by other minor pieces or pawn.

6.) If you pawn is just one move away from the queening but that square or pawn is under threat then try to give deflection of that enemy piece by sacrificing your rook or your any piece  and you can also give illegal checks or threat so that you can queen you pawn, that will be great technique "All in all you just give up your piece and get  a queen in exchange and that will be a dominating position in end game".

7.) If the enemy's Queen and  the rook are on the diagonal  and adjacent to each other then you can give threat to the queen by your bishop(should be defended) and after that you can get his rook.



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