Math | Fourier Series

 fourier series

eular's series

dirichlet's condition

fx is periiodic, single valued, and finite

fx may have a finite num of finite discontinuities and no infinite discontinuities

fx has a finite num of maxima and minima.

Note: fourier series should be convergent

 -ar a point of discontinuity, the sum of the series is equal to the mean of the limits on right and #

inttegratecosmxsinnx lim c to c+2pi =0

integratesinmx.sinnx =0

integratecosmx.cosnx=0, m!=n or pi, m=n

integrate e^ax.cosbx = e^ax/a^2 +b^2(asinbx -bcosbx) +c


Even and Odd functions

1)f-x= fx(even function)

derivation of eular's formulae


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