Fourier series AM

 Laplace And Fourier Transform objective questions (mcq) and answers - MechanicalTutorial

6. For the given periodic function    ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ = 4 for 2 6 2 for 0 2 ( ) t t t f t with a period T = 6 as shown in Problem 5. The complex form of the Fourier series can be expressed as ∑ ∞ =−∞ = k ikw t k f t C e 0 ~ ( ) . The complex coefficient 1 ~ C can be expressed as (A) 0.4560 + 0.3734i (B) 0.4560 − 0.3734i (C) − 0.4560 + 0.3734i (D) 0.3734 − 0.4560i Solution The correct answer is (C).

1. In Fourier transform f(p)=e(ipx)F(x)dx,e(ipx) is said to be Kernel function.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In any transform, apart from function given, the other function is said to be Kernel function. So, here in Fourier transform, e(ipx) is said to be the Kernel function.

2. Fourier Transform of e|x|is 21+p2. Then what is the fourier transform of e2|x|?
a) 4(4+p2)
b) 2(4+p2)
c) 2(2+p2)
d) 4(2+p2)
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Answer: a
Explanation: e2|x|=e|2x|=F(2x)

3. What is the fourier sine transform of e-ax?
a) 4(4+p2)
b) 4a(4a2+p2)
c) p(a2+p2)
d) 2p(a2+p2)
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Answer: c
Explanation: Fourier sine transform of F(x)=0eaxsin(px)dx
=eax(a2+p2)(asin(px)pcos(px)) from 0 to ∞

4. Find the fourier sine transform of x(a2+x2).
a) 2πeap
b) π2eap
c) 2πeap
d) πeap
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Answer: b
Explanation: Fourier transform of eaxisp(a2+p2)
Substitute x=m and p=x.
Therefore, fourier sine transform of x(a2+x2)isπ2eap.

5. Find the fourier transform of F(x) = 1, |x|<a0, otherwise.
a) 2sin(ap)p
b) 2asin(ap)p
c) 4sin(ap)p
d) 4asin(ap)p
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Answer: a
Explanation: f(p)=aaeipxdx
=eipxip from -a to a

6. In Finite Fourier Cosine Transform, if the upper limit l = π, then its inverse is given by ________
a) F(x)=2πp=1fc(p)cos(px)+1πfc(0)
b) F(x)=2πp=1fc(p)cos(px)
c) F(x)=2πp=1fc(p)cos(pxπ)
d) F(x)=2πp=0fc(p)cos(px)+1πfc(0)
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Answer: a
Explanation: Now since we have fourier cosine transform, we have to use the constant 2π. And since while writing as sum of series it also has a term if p=0. Hence, F(x)=2πp=1fc(p)cos(px)+1πfc(0)

7. Find the Fourier Cosine Transform of F(x) = 2x for 0<x<4.
a) fc(p)=32(p2π2)(cos(pπ)1)p not equal to 0 and if equal to 0 fc(p)=16
b) fc(p)=32(p2π2)(cos(pπ)1)p not equal to 0 and if equal to 0 fc(p)=32
c) fc(p)=64(pπ2)(cos(pπ)1)p not equal to 0 and if equal to 0 fc(p)=16
d) fc(p)=32(pπ2)(cos(pπ)1)p not equal to 0 and if equal to 0 fc(p)=64
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Answer: a
Explanation: fc(p)=402xcos(pπx4)dx
=2[4xsin(pπx4)pπ+16cos(pπx4)p2π2] from 0 to 4
When p=0,fc(p)=402xdx=16.

8. If Fourier transform of e|x|=21+p2, then find the fourier transform of t2e|x|.
a) 41+p2
b) 21+p2
c) 21+p2
d) 41+p2
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Answer: b
Explanation: F{e|x|}=21+p2

9. If Fc{eax}=pa2+p2, find the Fs{aeax}.
a) 4pa2+p2
b) p2a2+p2
c) 4p2a2+p2
d) pa2+p2
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Answer: b

10. Find the fourier transform of 2ux2 . (u’(p,t) denotes the fourier transform of u(x,t)).
a) (ip)2 u’(p,t)
b) (-ip)2 u’(p,t)
c) (-ip)2 u(p,t)
d) (ip)2 u(p,t)
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Answer: a
Explanation: F{2ux2}=2ux2eipxdx
=eipxux from (-infinity to infinity) ipeipxu

11. What is the fourier transform of e-a|x| * e-b|x|?
a) 4ab(a2+p2)(b2+p2)
b) 2ab(a2+p2)(b2+p2)
c) 4(a2+p2)(b2+p2)
d) a2b2(a2+p2)(b2+p2)
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Answer: a
Explanation: Fourier transform of ea|x|=2aa2+p2
Fourier transform of eb|x|=2bb2+p2
fourier transform of ea|x|eb|x|=2aa2+p2.2bb2+p2

12. What is the Fourier transform of eax? (a>0)
a) pa2+p2
b) 2aa2+p2
c) 2aa2+p2
d) cant’t be found
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Answer: d
Explanation: Fourier transform of eax, does not exist because the function does not converge. The function is divergent.

13. F(x)=x(12)is self reciprocal under Fourier cosine transform.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Fc{x(12)}=0x(12)cos(px)dx=constantp(12)
Inverse fourier transform of p(12)=constantx(12)
Hence the function x(12)is self reciprocal.

14. Find the fourier cosine transform of e-ax * e-ax.
a) p2a2+p2
b) p2(a2+p2)2
c) 4p2(a2+p2)2
d) p2(a2+p2)2
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Answer: b
Explanation = fourier cosine transform of eax=pa2+p2
fourier cosine transform of eaxeax=pa2+p2.pa2+p2

15. Find the fourier sine transform of F(x) = -x when x<c and (π – x) when x>c and 0≤c≤π.
a) πccos(pc)
b) πpcos(pc)
c) πccos(pπ)
d) pπccos(pc)Answer:b

Explanation: fs(p)=c0xsin(px)dx+πc(πx)sin(px)dx


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