
 1.In Bresenham’s circle algorithm, if points are generated from 900 to 450 and (x,y) are the Coordinate of last scan converted pixel then the next pixel coordinate is

(5 Points)

a) (x+1,y+1)or(x-1,y-1)

b) (x+1,y)or(x,y+1)

c) (x,y+1)or(x+1,y-1)true

d) (x+1,y)or(x+1,y-1)

2.The total number of pixel put ‘ON’ for the line starting at (1, 1) and ending at (12, 7) would be

(2 Points)

a) 7

b) 11

c) 12true

d) more than 12

3.Rasterize the line from (10,5) to (15,9) using Bresenhams line drawing Algorithm.

(3 Points)

4.In Bresenham’s circle generation algorithm, if (x,y) is the current pixel position then the y value of the next pixel position is

(2 Points)

a) Y or y+1

b) y alone

c) y+1 or y-1

d) y or y-1

5.In the generation of circle by Bresenham’s algorithm, it is simple to generate

(2 Points)

a) All octants

b) one octants first and other by successive reflection

c) one octants first and other by successive rotation

d) one octants first and other by successive translation

6.Rasterize the circle with radius r=5 and center =(100,100) with midpoint circle generation algorithm.

(3 Points)

7. What will be the value of initial decision parameter if we intend to draw a line between A (3, 6) and B (4, 9) using Bresenham’s algorithm?

(5 Points)




d)none of these

8.write equations of DDA algorithm

(3 Points)

9.Find points for circles in all four octant(semi circle) with the help of bresenham's cirle drawing algorithm r=12

(3 Points)

10. For lines with slope magnitude |m|<1, ?x can be_________

(5 Points)

a) A set corresponding vertical deflection

b) A set proportional to a small horizontal deflection voltage

c) Only a

d) All of the mentioned


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