
Showing posts from September, 2020

stld test

 Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Number systems, Codes- BCD, Gray Code, Excess-3 Code, ASCII, EBCDIC, Conversion between various Codes. Switching Theory: - Boolean Algebra- Postulates and Theorems, De’ Morgan’s Theorem, Switching FunctionsCanonical Forms- Simplification of Switching Functions- Karnaugh Map and Quine Mc-Clusky Methods. Combinational Logic Circuits:- Review of basic gates- Universal gates, Adder, Subtractor ,Serial Adder, Parallel Adder- Carry Propagate Adder, Carry Look-ahead Adder, Carry Save Adder


 1.In Bresenham’s circle algorithm, if points are generated from 900 to 450 and (x,y) are the Coordinate of last scan converted pixel then the next pixel coordinate is (5 Points) a) (x+1,y+1)or(x-1,y-1) b) (x+1,y)or(x,y+1) c) (x,y+1)or(x+1,y-1)true d) (x+1,y)or(x+1,y-1) 2.The total number of pixel put ‘ON’ for the line starting at (1, 1) and ending at (12, 7) would be (2 Points) a) 7 b) 11 c) 12true d) more than 12 3.Rasterize the line from (10,5) to (15,9) using Bresenhams line drawing Algorithm. (3 Points) 4.In Bresenham’s circle generation algorithm, if (x,y) is the current pixel position then the y value of the next pixel position is (2 Points) a) Y or y+1 b) y alone c) y+1 or y-1 d) y or y-1 5.In the generation of circle by Bresenham’s algorithm, it is simple to generate (2 Points) a) All octants b) one octants first and other by successive reflection c) one octants first and other by successive rotation d) one octants first and other by successive translation 6.Rasterize the circ

FCS assignment 14 sep

 UNIT_1 Assignment 1 Submission Date 14_09_2020 Q1. What are predicate and Quantifiers? Q2. Differentiate between a) CNF and PCNF b) DNF and PDNF Q3. Explain proof by contrapositive with example. Q4. Check the logical equivalence for the given statements. a) p ∨ q ≡ q ∨ p b) ¬(p ∧ q) ≡ ¬p ∨ ¬q c) (p ∨ q) ∨ r ≡ p ∨ (q ∨ r) Q5. Let P: We should be honest., Q: We should be dedicated., R: We should be overconfident. Then ‘We should be honest or dedicated but not overconfident.’ is best represented by? Q6. What do you mean by logical inference and explain the concept of modus ponnens and modus tollens?


Upcoming Missions: 1.) Finish Dsalgo in C 2.) Try to sharp your understanding in web development 3.) Java revise 4.) learn reactJs

note taking app code

 #in richTextEditor.js import   React , {  Component  }  from   'react' ; class   NoteTaking   extends   Component  {       constructor (props) {            super ( props );            this . state   =  {                 items : []           }            this . addNote   =   this . addNote . bind ( this );      }       addNote (event) {            console . log ( "working" );            if  ( this . theTitle . value   !==   "" ) {                 var   newItem   =  {                      title :  this . theTitle . value ,                      note :  this . theNote . value                };           }            this . setState ((prevState)  =>  {                 return  {                      items :  prevState . items . concat ( newItem )                };           });            this . theNote . value   =   "" ;            this . theTitle . value   =   "" ;            console . log ( this . state . items );            event . prev

CKeditor in React app

go to ckeditor website copy npm command and run in terminal import ckeditor, you can  copy the import codes of ckeditor  


  import   React   from   'react' ; import  { Editor ,  EditorState , getDefaultKeyBinding ,  RichUtils }  from   'draft-js' ; import    '../assets/StyleTextEditor.css' ; import   '../../node_modules/draft-js/dist/Draft.css' ; class   RichTextEditor   extends   React . Component  {       constructor (props) {         super ( props );         this . state   =  {editorState:  EditorState . createEmpty ()};         this . focus   =  ()  =>   this . refs . editor . focus ();         this . onChange   =  (editorState)  =>   this . setState ({ editorState });         this . handleKeyCommand   =   this . _handleKeyCommand . bind ( this );         this . mapKeyToEditorCommand   =   this . _mapKeyToEditorCommand . bind ( this );         this . toggleBlockType   =   this . _toggleBlockType . bind ( this );         this . toggleInlineStyle   =   this . _toggleInlineStyle . bind ( this );      }       _handleKeyCommand (command, editorState) {         const  

ckeditor installation

1.) create form in html   2.) go to ckeditor website 3.) go to download editor and choose editor and copy the javascript code  and paste it in header in html file  4.) and then go to getting started section and copy javascript, editor code(component) and paste that in your html file below the form tag. 5.) change the props from editor to "textarea".