
Showing posts from July, 2020

Bootstrap Typography

< p class = " text-primary " > Primary: Please read the instructions carefully before proceeding. </ p > < p class = " text-secondary " > Secondary: This is featured has been removed from the latest version. </ p > < p class = " text-success " > Success: Your message has been sent successfully. </ p > < p class = " text-info " > Info: You must agree with the terms and conditions to complete the sign up process. </ p > < p class = " text-warning " > Warning: There was a problem with your network connection. </ p > < p class = " text-danger " > Danger: An error has been occurred while submitting your data. </ p > < p class = " text-muted " > Muted: This paragraph of text is grayed out. </ p > Blockquote- < blockquote class = " blockquote " > < p class = " mb-0 " > The world is a danger

Banking Application | Mini Project | JAVA

package BankingApplication ; import java.sql.SQLOutput ; import java.util.Scanner ; public class StateBankOfIndia { public static void main (String []args) { // TODO BankAccount chandan= new BankAccount( "Chandan" , "20110212805" ) ; chandan.ShowMenu() ; } } class BankAccount { int Balance ; int PreviousTransaction ; String CustomerId ; String CustomerName ; public int Amount ; BankAccount (String name , String cid) { CustomerName =name ; CustomerId =cid ; } void deposit ( int Amount) { if (Amount != 0 ) { Balance = Balance + Amount ; PreviousTransaction = Amount ; } } void Withdraw ( int Amount) { if (Amount != 0 ) { Balance = Balance - Amount ; PreviousTransaction = -Amount ; } } void GetPreviousTransaction () { if ( PreviousTransaction > 0 ) {

Scroll Bar designing | CSS

CSS | /*scrollbar styling*/ .content::-webkit-scrollbar {       width :  12 px ;       } .content::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {       border-radius :  8 px ;       background : -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom,                        from( #1f456e ), to( #1f456e ));       box-shadow : inset  2 px   2 px   2 px   rgba ( 255 ,  255 ,  255 ,  0.25 ),                        inset  -2 px   -2 px   -2 px   rgba ( 0 ,  0 ,  0 ,  0.25 );       border :  1 px  solid black; } .content::-webkit-scrollbar-track {       background :  linear-gradient ( to  right,  #201c29 ,  #201c29 ,  1 px ,  #f3e5ab  ,  1 px  , #f3e5ab  );       border-radius :  8 px ; }

How to show codes or HTML tags on HTML/PUG page

HTML/PUG .codes          p           | The HTML           code  button          p           |  tag defines a clickable button.          p           | The CSS           code  background-color          p           |  property defines the background color of an element.          br                p           | Hello worild in C++          br          code  #include          code  <          code  iostream          code  >          br          code  int main() {          br          span   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;          code  std::cout << "Hello World\n";          br          code  }          br          p           | Dark theme color code is #263859            br           | Website for dark theme colors code :            br CSS .codes {       background-color :  #263859 ; } .codes   p {       color : lavenderblush; } .codes   code {       background-color :  #232931 ;       color :  #ff8ba0 ; }

How to create Scroll Bar | CSS

HTML/PUG        h1  creating scrollBar       .clsScroll            p  Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente,                 eos quae nam sed dolore aliquam, corrupti iure quo eaque eius ipsam sit.               Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Laborum sunt                  totam adipisci ipsam fuga exercitationem at odio autem corrupti eos,                   illum fugit accusantium quisquam perspiciatis quam dignissimos incidunt                   culpa recusandae iure! Fugit, eius quos totam commodi sequi sapiente                   aperiam officiis minus, laborum debitis inventore assumenda obcaecati                 eligendi nostrum earum reiciendis est, a mollitia beatae veniam nulla                   accusantium! Accusamus dolore reprehenderit facilis magnam excepturi                   mollitia, eligendi qui odio tenetur quas at amet deserunt vitae neque                   sapiente exercitationem suscipit optio ipsa cupiditate nihi

Responsive Nav Bar, a:hover{     background: #1b9bff;     transition: 0.5s;     }

package.json | LogSyS

/package.json {    "name" :  "chandangit" ,    "version" :  "1.0.0" ,    "description" :  "" ,    "main" :  "index.js" ,    "dependencies" : {      "bcrypt" :  "^5.0.0" ,      "bcryptjs" :  "^2.4.3" ,      "body-parser" :  "^1.19.0" ,      "connect-flash" :  "^0.1.1" ,      "ejs" :  "^3.1.3" ,      "express" :  "^4.17.1" ,      "express-ejs-layouts" :  "^2.5.0" ,      "express-messages" :  "^1.0.1" ,      "express-session" :  "^1.17.1" ,      "express-validator" :  "^6.6.0" ,      "html" :  "^1.0.0" ,      "mongodb" :  "^3.5.9" ,      "mongoose" :  "^5.9.25" ,      "nodemon" :  "^2.0.4" ,      "passport" :  "

app.js | LogSyS

/app.js const   express   =    require ( 'express' ); const   app   =   express (); const   mongoose   =   require ( 'mongoose' ); const   router   =   express . Router (); const   MongoClient   =   require ( 'mongodb' ). MongoClient   const   bodyParser   =   require ( 'body-parser' );  const   session     =    require ( 'express-session' ); // const expressValidator = require('express-validator'); const   flash     =   require ( 'connect-flash' ); const   passport   =   require ( 'passport' ); // var MongoStore = require('connect-mongo')(session);  mongoose . connect ( 'mongodb://localhost:27017/EmployeeDB' , { useNewUrlParser :  true ,  useUnifiedTopology :  true }, (err)  =>  {       if ( mongoose . connect ){ console . log ( 'Success! MongoDB Connected..' )}       else { console . log ( 'Error in Db connection : '   +   err )} }); // passport config require ( './config/passport&#

views > welcome.pug | LogSyS

/views/welcome.pug This our index page which redirect us to login or registered page. doctype html       head            title  LogSys            < link   rel = "stylesheet"   href = "" >            < script  src= "" ></ script >            < script  src= "" ></ script >       body            .container                !=  messages ( 'message' ,  locals )                 if   errors                      each   error ,  i   in   errors                           div ( class = "alert alert-danger" )  #{ error . msg }            if  ( mesg )                 div .alert.alert-success.alert-dismissible                      strong  Success!                     |  #{ mesg }                        button .close (

views > register.pug | LogSyS

/views/register.pug Here we have enter email and correct password to get registered. doctype html       head            title  LogSys            < link   rel = "stylesheet"   href = "" >            < script  src= "" ></ script >            < script  src= "" ></ script >       body            .container                !=  messages ( 'message' ,  locals )                 if   errors                      each   error ,  i   in   errors                           div ( class = "alert alert-danger" )  #{ error . msg }            if  ( msg )                 div .alert.alert-danger.alert-dismissible                      strong  Error!                     | #{ msg }                      button .close ( type = &#

views > message.pug | LogSyS

 /views/message.pug .messages    each   type   in  Object.keys(messages)     each message in messages[type]        //- div(class="alert alert-danger"+type) #{message}       div.alert.alert-danger.alert-dismissible                     strong Error!                     |#{message}                      button .close ( type = 'button'   data-dismiss = 'alert'   aria-label = 'Close' )                           span ( aria-hidden = 'true' )  &times;

view > login.pug | LogSyS

/views/login.pug Login page where we have to enter email and password to get access to the application. doctype html       head            title  LogSys            < link   rel = "stylesheet"   href = "" >            < script  src= "" ></ script >            < script  src= "" ></ script >       body              .container                !=  messages ( 'message' ,  locals )                 if   errors                      each   error ,  i   in   errors                           div ( class = "alert alert-danger" )  #{ error . msg }                H1  This is Login page, Please enter your email and password to get acess.              br              form ( action = "/login"   method = "PO

views folder > home.pug | LogSyS | PUG

views/home.pug h1  This is home Page. p  Now you can edit your profile. br a ( href = "/" ) HOME a ( href = "/logout" ) LOGOUT This page will be shown when we complete the login processes.

routes | index.js | LogSyS

 /routes/index.js const   express   =   require ( 'express' ); const   router   =   express . Router (); const   passport   =   require ( 'passport' ); const   bcrypt   =   require ( "bcryptjs" ); // user model const   User   =   require ( '../models/Users' ); router . get ( '/' , (req, res)  =>  {      res . render ( "welcome" ); }); // Register page  router . get ( '/register' , (req,res)  => {      res . render ( "register" ); }); router . post ( '/register' , (req,res)  => {      //var email = email which is passed by the client      email   =   req . body . email      //var password = password which is passed by the client      password   =   req . body . password      cpassword   =   req . body . cpassword      console . log ( email )      console . log ( password )      console . log ( cpassword )      console . log ( "------------------------------------------------------" )      //